NRD Tech

A Startup Product Story

Our Story

The Opportunity

So many startups and small businesses have a great idea and fall short because they just don’t have the funding to pay for world class leadership and seasoned software developers so they end up hiring sub-par engineers with little/no leadership to build out their vision.

At first things might seem to move along okay but as the product matures and starts to grow you start seeing issues with scalability or excessive bugs. Your team ends up spending more and more time on maintenance and adding new features comes to a crawl. The product isn’t where you want it to be so sales struggle and users are unhappy. You either push harder on marketing or you start overspending on software development resources to “catch-up” on product development in order to make it work.

Sound familiar?

Pioneering Platforms,
Empowering People.

The Solution

Use a NRD Tech engineering team that gets daily guidance from a world class technology leader. Even better, pay for only a fraction of that leader’s time but still benefit from their decades of experience.

NRD Tech teams are constantly trained and mentored by seasoned technology leaders.  They not only have the training to avoid potential scalability and maintenance problems but easily avoid them by using NRD Tech Software Templates designed to be scalable, testable,  maintainable, extendable, and with built in monitoring and alert systems.

Don’t settle for subpar software development.

Great at What We Do

We Focus on Our Strengths

Sometimes I’m asked why we don’t currently take clients needing other languages or other cloud platforms like Azure and Google Cloud. The answer isn’t that those other languages aren’t good or that you can’t build amazing software with those systems.

The real reason is that no team can be world class at everything. We have decades of experience in AWS and certain languages and frameworks that we KNOW will work to build out your product. We have methodologies and templates built out and being maintained in these environments. We’d rather be great at a few things than mediocre at a lot.